Watching the snow fall may be a lovely experience, but sometimes sitting inside on a cold winter day is a miserable experience. It is dark and chilly outside, and your lack of exercise has made you lethargic. But there are ways to beat the winter blues and combat the lull in mood caused by decreased vitamin D and serotonin.

Winter Blues Explained

Winter blues is a unique experience of sadness and feeling more down than usual. Have you ever lost interest in something you generally like doing? Do you have problems falling asleep as the temperature drops? The winter blues have touched us all differently.

The winter blues may be short-lived and treatable with lifestyle adjustments for some people. But for others, this mood change can last long, causing a severe type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). According to Sieda, SAD affects 11 million people in the USA every year. It can affect people of any age, including children.

Causes of Winter Blues

The exact cause of the winter blues is not fully understood. But experts believe winter blues is linked to exposure to sunlight. This is especially true during the autumn and winter seasons when there is a reduced level of sunlight. Reduced exposure to sunlight during winter can cause the brain to produce less serotonin. This is a chemical that regulates mood. Thus, less serotonin can result in depression, fatigue, and sleeping difficulties.

Who Is More Likely To Suffer From Winter Blues?

Winter blues starts in young adulthood. But it is more common in women than men. The average age of those with winter blues symptoms is 27 years old. Winter blues is more likely to affect you if a close family member experiences it. Also, be careful if you have any history of mental health problems.

How to Beat Winter Blues

Below are practical ways how to manage winter blues.

Keep Active


Experts say a daily thirty-minute walk can help cope with winter blues. This is especially true during the middle of the day.

Eat Healthily

A healthy diet helps to boost mood. It can also provide energy and prevent you from gaining weight during winter

Talk to Your Family and Friends

Socializing is good for mental health and can help manage winter blues. Keep in touch with the people you love and care about most. Accept any invitations you receive to attend social events.

Seek Sun


Get outside and soak up the sunshine. It can help boost your mood and overall mental health. Sun also helps increase vitamin D, which can improve the emotional state.

Use Light Therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment method that uses artificial light to simulate the effects of natural sunlight. It is safe and can help boost the mood of SAD patients. Consult your doctor if it is suitable for you.

Seek Help

You don’t have to go through this ordeal alone. If your symptoms are severe, it is important to seek help. If you recognize any of the symptoms of the winter blues, give C&C a call, and let’s beat the blues.